St. James Parish Senior Picnic & Health Fair a Summer Success
Lutcher, LA—June 12, 2014 The St. James Parish Elderly Program and St. James Parish Hospital teamed up for another successful Senior Picnic and Health Fair on June 12th. This year’s Senior Picnic and Health Fair attracted nearly 200 attendees from parish-wide community centers. Lutcher Park was filled with seniors who took advantage of free screenings,…
12-Jun-2014 to 12-Jun-2014
State “Geaux Lite” Challenge a Success in St. James
Lutcher, LA—May 14, 2014 St. James Parish Hospital employees and community partners teamed up for the Louisiana Hospital Association’s (LHA) Geaux Lite Weight-Loss Challenge targeting the state’s obesity problem. Official numbers revealed that the hospital’s team lost an impressive total of 769 pounds with several community members being awarded for the top weight loss in their particular…