Community Health Screenings
« ReturnChem & Lipid Profile + PSA (Men)
$10 (cash or check only)
September 14th – September 16th 7am – 5pm
Medical Plaza Next to St. James Parish Hospital (Original Entrance)
St. James Parish Hospital is excited to once again offer its annual health screenings from 7am to 5pm Wednesday, September 14th through Friday, September 16th. This year the hospital will host one event for Chem and Lipid Profile Screenings and PSA Screenings.
Screenings will be $10 (paid by cash or check only) and cover over a dozen different tests including cholesterol, glucose and a PSA test for men. Screenings will be offered from 7am to 5pm with morning screenings in the Medical Plaza (enter through the physician clinic lobby) and screenings after 10am in the Hospital (see receptionist).
For the most accurate results, a 12-hour fast is recommended. It is okay to drink water before testing.