Privacy Practices

Protecting Your Privacy

St. James Parish Hospital is committed to protecting the private health information we create or receive in regard to our patients.

Health information that identifies you (Protected Health Information—PHI) includes your medical record and other information relating to your care or payment for care.

We provide each patient a Notice of Privacy Practices that explains our privacy practices and patient rights regarding their health information such as how medical information may be used, disclosed, and accessed. As privacy practices are updated, the hospital’s Notice of Privacy Practices will also be updated accordingly.

As a patient, you have a right to request a copy of our current Notice of Privacy Practices at any time. You can also visit this page of our website 24/7 to view and/or print a current copy.

Required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

CLICK HERE to view and/or print our Notice of Privacy Practices

Copies of Medical Records

Copies of medical records can be provided to patients upon receipt of a completed written HIPAA compliant authorization.  The authorization must be signed by the patient or in the case of a minor, by the patient’s parent or legal guardian.  CLICK HERE to print the necessary documentation and mail, fax, or bring the authorization to our Health Information Management / Medical Records Department. When picking up records, please have a photo ID (preferably driver’s license). Medical Records is open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. Check in with the hospital receptionist for directions to James Parish Hospital.

Privacy Officer Contact Info

Susan Duhon, RHIA
1645 Lutcher Avenue
Lutcher, LA  70071

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